Learn From People Who Retired Early

Jan 04, 2024

If you want to retire early but don’t have enough financial resources, you can still turn your retirement fantasies into reality by learning from people who “retired” early. They didn’t have sufficient financial resources to support themselves for a handful of decades without any income from working, but nevertheless they made more conscious choices about working and spending so they enjoy life and feel retired.

How I “Retired” In My Early 50s

I was one of those middle-aged workers who was tired of the job stress, waking up to the alarm every day with a long commute ahead of me, and doing the same old thing at work for a few decades. In my late 40s, I dreamed of retiring at age 50, but once I ran the numbers, I realized full retirement wouldn’t be possible at that age. Instead, to get out of the rat race of full-time work, I started working part time at age 51, then retired completely from my professional career as a consulting actuary at age 53.

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